You have a killer brand positioning statement. Now what?

A brand positioning statement is a powerful tool—if used correctly. Share it with your team, agencies, and anyone shaping your brand to ensure consistency. Keeping it visible will help everyone stay aligned with your purpose and values.


If you’re familiar with brand positioning, you’ll know it’s an unbelievably valuable exercise to go through.


It asks the big questions.


It helps you define what you stand for and why you’re different and special.


And with expertly crafted words, it ensures everyone on your team is singing along to the same (hit) song.  


And the best part? Nailing your brand positioning statement is only just the beginning.


Once you’ve done the hard yards of putting your brand into words, you can really start to have some fun.


Here’s how to use your shiny new brand positioning statement to your best advantage (watch out world). 

DO: Share it with your team

Whether you’re part of a big organisation, a small team, or you work with freelancers or contractors; you must share your brand positioning statement with every member of your team.


What happens if you don’t share it with everyone? Well, imagine if you had a choir and some members of that choir weren’t given the words to the song. They’d either get them wrong, or not sing at all. The same applies to your business. You want everyone to sing together, right?

DO: Share it with anyone who shapes your brand

Creative agencies. Media agencies. Graphic designers. Freelance copywriters. Your accountant (that’s right, they should be supporting you strategically). If you’re moving to a new office or shop – your interior designer. Printers. Suppliers. Craftsmen. I repeat, share it with anyone who expresses your brand.


Make sure you include your brand positioning statement in every brief. Anyone who shapes your brand should understand what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for. And when they do, the outcome will be so much more powerful.

DO: Stick it somewhere you’ll see it

On your vision board, on the fridge, in the front page of your notebook. Put it somewhere you’ll see it often.


Why? Because even though you live and breathe the brand, it’s all too easy to get caught up in end-of-the-month reconciliations or chasing down new sales and to forget about why we’re doing this work and who we’re doing it for.


The more you see your brand positioning statement, the more you’ll live your purpose and your values, and serve your customers well – every day.

DON’T: Rely on email

Your brand positioning statement is too important for email. Don’t let it get lost in overflowing inboxes. Instead, sit down with people over a cup of coffee (virtual or in person) and talk them through your incredible brand.


If you’re part of a large organisation, hopefully you’ve already taken key stakeholders on the journey as the brand positioning was being created. Make sure you reconnect with them and their teams in the way that’s appropriate to your business. Make it part of the onboarding process of every new recruit.

DON’T: Share it (all) with your customers

Your brand words are incredibly helpful. You can probably use most of them on your website – but don’t share the whole thing. It might scream ‘corporate wank’ to your customers, or be a little bit cringy.


Instead, take some key points – like your purpose and values – and put those on your about page. If in doubt, run your copy past a seasoned copywriter first.

DON’T: Let it gather dust

Don’t let your brand positioning statement sit at the bottom of a drawer or as an unloved file on a cluttered desktop.


Think about different and fun ways that you can reinforce the brand positioning within your business. Challenge yourself and the teams to incorporate it important planning meetings or conferences. For example, use it as a kick-off exercise. Can everyone share an example of how someone in their team lived the values? Can you set a two minute challenge to find celebrities, drinks, cars that personify the brand? Can we each share our purpose, and how that contributes to the company purpose? These exercises might sound a bit corny to some, but they work – and even better, find something that resonates with you and your business.


Your brand positioning statement will guide your brand to greater heights – but only if you let it.


You are responsible. Like the conductor of an orchestra, it’s your job to keep everyone singing loud and proud. Go ahead, it’s going to be awesome!

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