The biggest risk to your content strategy

Are you focusing on the wrong tasks in your content strategy? Identify what truly brings results and eliminate ineffective efforts. By prioritising what works, you can streamline your content process and maximise your impact.


I read a quote by James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, the other day.

He says “The biggest risk to productivity is always the same: working on the wrong thing.”

And boy don’t we know it! It’s very easy to slip into ‘busy’. We work hard, turning the hamster wheel, and are left feeling frustrated because we never feel like we’re making progress.

And the biggest reason why?

We’re working on the wrong thing.

We risk achieving what we set out to do – because we’re working on the wrong thing.

Take this as an invitation to take stock of your current content strategy. What brings you results? Importantly, what doesn’t?

For us at The Content(ed) Copywriter, we know that SEO content and eDMs bring us results. Doing a really great job, and sharing the work via case studies, also brings us results.

By contrast – very very truthfully – social media currently doesn’t bring us results. So while we plan to ramp social media up – because we are expanding our offering (more on that in time) and believe social media will be the platform for that – we will always have SEO content and eDMs as a firm priority. Because working on those things, is the right thing for us.

It might not be exactly the same mix for you. But take some time to reflect on what does and doesn’t work for you. Most importantly, try not to get overwhelmed by the process of churn and burn. Take a step back, and try to navigate the trees and assess the entire forest. Ask yourself, how can you shift more of your effort to what does work? Once you figure out what’s really important, automate it, streamline it, make it more powerful – so you can free up time to work on other parts of your business.

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