Case Study / Smartfleet

Smart copy should look easy


We collaborated with Smartfleet to bring their new brand value proposition to life. By creating clear, consistent content across all channels, we helped Smartfleet communicate effectively and engage their diverse customer base.

Smartfleet collaborated with Wonderthink to bring their new value proposition to life through clear and engaging copywriting, streamlining customer communication.

Smartfleet had defined a new brand value proposition.

Smartfleet is one of Australia’s largest fleet providers and part of Smartgroup corporation.

And when a big brand updates its value proposition, that means there’s a big job to do to make sure that those new messages are communicated consistently and simply across all the channels.

The challenge? Communicate the new brand values to customers across a whole variety of media, including website and print, and entice the customers to take action at every stage of the customer journey. Keep it simple and keep it smart.

Wonderthink helped Smartfleet redefine their brand value proposition, ensuring the messaging was communicated consistently across all channels and resonated with customers.

“The work you’ve done for Smartfleet is fabulous. Thanks for your perseverance, quick turnarounds and fine writing.”

– Tracey Linnell-Scarce, Smartgroup

Keeping Smartfleet’scopy simple and smart

Taking a phased approach, the new comms messages were first crafted for a brand brochure, and then written for web and a pool of brochures.

Does the copy seem simple to you? That’s because it is. There’s a knack in keeping app copy simple and smart – and with the support of the fabulous Smartgroup team, that’s exactly what we did.

Through a phased approach, Wonderthink crafted new comms messages for Smartfleet, producing a brand brochure and a series of brochures that simplified the customer journey.

We can help with…

Website & app content

Driving seamless user journeys

No matter how many words you have to play with, website and microcopy should take your users on a seamless journey, enhancing the user experience while driving conversions and maintaining brand consistency across every touchpoint.

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Website Content & App Content Services Wonderthink Our website content writing services will drive engagement and conversion at every touchpoint.