Got questions? We’ve got answers. But if there’s something else you’d like to know, just drop us a line.


Yes, we used to be known as The Contented Copywriter, and we’ve been one of Australia’s leading copywriting and content agencies for the best part of a decade. 

We changed our trading name to Wonderthink in July 2024. Technically, we’re still The Contented Copywriter Pty Ltd trading as Wonderthink Pty Ltd.

You can read more about the rebrand, change of name and what that means for you, on our blog.

No. We write for a wide range of clients – from financial services to healthcare, real estate to retail, education to hospitality and more. One of the things we love most about our job is continually learning about different industries. It’s a source of constant inspiration for us, and improves our lens on the world.

Our incredibly talented team of writers are specialists in particular industries. So if there is a subject matter that needs someone with technical expertise, we’ll be sure to have that specialist writer working hands-on on your project.

Our clients are based everywhere from Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland to London, New York and Hong Kong. Whether it’s working direct with clients or in partnership with agencies, we love variety.

We quote per project, not by the hour or word, and all quotes include one round of revisions. That way, you can rest easy knowing that we’re working to a fixed budget. Send Brooke an email with details of your project and she’d love to provide a quote.

Once you’ve approved the quote and our terms;

1.    We’ll send you a Q&A to fill out so that we can get to know your brand and brief. We’ll also send you a 50% upfront payment invoice.

2.    Once you’ve sent the Q&A back, we’ll schedule in a time to have a quick catch up over the phone so that we can ask you any more questions and confirm timings (our usual turnaround time is 5 days, unless we agree otherwise).

3.    We’ll send you your draft. You review it and let us know if you need any tweaks (we include one round of revisions in the quote). We’ll make those edits and – voila! Your beautifully crafted copy is ready for you to publish. 

You’ll receive two invoices from us:

1. When you approve our quote, we’ll invoice you a 50% upfront payment, which is due in 7 days. 

2. We’ll send you the 50% balance invoice upon completion of the project, or 7 days after delivery of the first draft, whichever comes first.

If one round of revisions is included in the quote (it usually is), and you haven’t provided feedback before the 7-day deadline is up, don’t worry – we’ll still make those revisions up to one month after we’ve sent you the first draft.

We’re big believer in sticking to budgets. If the scope changes, or if for any reason we think there might be an extra cost incurred, you’ll receive a revised quote from us over email before we get started. That way, you always know exactly where you stand.

Drop Brooke a line at brooke@wonderthink.com.au

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PR Daily Awards
Silver Winner for Thought Leadership Campaign at the Asia Pacific Stevie Awards.