Email campaign strategy

Building an effective email campaign strategy is crucial to creating lasting connections with your audience and driving meaningful results. It’s about delivering the right message, to the right person, at the right time.

SEO content should read as well as it ranks.


What we do

We create email campaign strategies that cut through the inbox clutter to deliver results. We craft a detailed roadmap for your email marketing, maximising engagement and conversions.

Email Campaign Strategy Agency Wonderthink

Personalised campaigns

Every subscriber is unique, and every message should be too. We create personalised email campaigns with tailored messages designed to resonate with every segment of your audience, based on data-driven insights and audience personas.

Automated email journeys

Whether it’s a welcome series, a re-engagement campaign, or a post-purchase thank you, we can help you design automated email journeys to help you deliver consistent and relevant content that moves users along the sales funnel.

Email marketing content

Crafting the perfect message is key to a successful email campaign. We write engaging and persuasive email content that drives action. From eye-catching subject lines to compelling body copy, every email will grab your audience’s attention and encourages them to take the next step.

A/B testing & optimisation

What works best? We can help you test and refine subject lines, call-to-action buttons, and content layouts to ensure your emails perform optimally. Continuous optimisation means your campaigns improve in real-time, driving better results.

Our approach


We get really pointy about the problem or goal.


We create the strategy and infrastructure to bring those ideas to life.


We use our creative toolbox to unearth wild, wonderful and wise ideas.


We get sh!t done.

Download our guide to crafting AI prompts for better storytelling.


Your 5-step guide to crafting AI prompts

What you’ll learn…
– What AI is and isn’t good for
– Our 5-step formula for crafting AI prompts
– Real-world examples to refine AI outputs
Get your copy today to learn how to integrate AI into your content creation while maintaining your brand’s unique voice.

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PR Daily Awards
Silver Winner for Thought Leadership Campaign at the Asia Pacific Stevie Awards.