Case Study / UNSW’s Content Strategy

UNSW boosts its digital presence with a new content strategy


Wonderthink collaborated with UNSW to develop a robust content strategy and deliver tone of voice and SEO copywriting training. The result is a cohesive and impactful digital presence that effectively communicates the university’s unique value proposition to future students.

Content Strategy UNSW

Bringing a new brand positioning to life

When you’re a university, your very reputation – and ability to recruit new students – rests on the quality of what people see.

So your content needs to be on point and potent, every time.

Wonderthink consulted to the UNSW Future Student Recruitment department to develop a content strategy, content plan and help the team hone their copywriting skills.

With a new brand positioning underway and new campaign about to launch, the content strategy and planning required stakeholder engagement across multiple departments and creative agencies.

Brand Messaging Matrix UNSW

The Wonderthink team have been our go-to to guide UNSW’s content strategy. The teamare truly a dream to work with, and I can’t recommend them highly enough.

— Livia McKenzie, Head of Marketing & Campaigns, UNSW

Empowering UNSW’s team with a content strategy and tailored training

To support UNSW in enhancing their digital presence, we delivered a range of services tailored to their specific needs.

We began with a detailed content strategy and planning process, ensuring all messaging was aligned with their brand objectives. We also provided comprehensive copywriting services for their website, crafting clear and engaging content to communicate UNSW’s unique strengths with their future students.

And with a fresh new content team, there was no better opportunity to hone the existing talents with in-person workshops to help the team nail the tone of voice and imbed SEO copywriting into everyday practise.

The result? A roadmap for future content, and an empowered, excited content team raring to execute.

Brand Messaging Matrix UNSW Brand Strategy

We can help with…

Content strategy

Blueprints for success

Navigate the competitive landscape with a content strategy that’s as data-driven as it is creative. We’ll deliver a strategy tailored to your brand’s unique needs, amplifying your message and engaging your audience at every touchpoint.

Learn more
Content Marketing Strategy | Wonderthink Great storytelling starts with a solid content marketing strategy.