Case Study / Dusk

How dusk modernised its brand to recapture Aussie hearts


dusk is one of Australia’s most recognisable fragrance brands, but after a change in the market, it set out to reposition its brand for a new era.

Candles and fragrance diffuser arranged on a pink background, highlighting dusk's modernised and vibrant brand presentation

Evolving dusk’s brand for a new era

dusk’s die-hard fan base and national retail footprint delivered strong sales for decades, but after witnessing a significant shift in the fragrance market, dusk set out to modernise its brand and recapture the hearts of Australians.

From supermarket cheapies to high-end splurges, every fragrance brand seems to follow the same set of language conventions. But dusk saw an opportunity to carve out a point of difference by ditching the flowery, wishy-washy descriptions and embracing a show-don’t-tell approach.

Wonderthink was called in to lead dusk’s recent brand voice transformation. We refreshed the brand voice and created a new narrative that customers could connect with and feel inspired by.

Candles and fragrance products displayed on a teal background, illustrating dusk's new fun and personable brand voice.

Their words are fun, playful and from the heart. From unexpected product descriptions to snackable social copy, dusk’s messaging is imbued with the endearing cheekiness of an old friend.

A new brand voice

We evolved the brand voice into a fun, personable one that speaks directly to dusk’s key customer groups. dusk loves putting a smile on their customer’s faces. And their copy reflects that, too.

Their words are fun, playful and from the heart. From unexpected product descriptions to snackable social copy, dusk’s messaging is imbued with the endearing cheekiness of an old friend.

Crafting copy that speaks to audiences old and young is a tightrope walk. As dusk aims to expand into the Gen Z market, timely colloquial phrases are peppered throughout messaging on younger-skewing platforms such as TikTok and Instagram.

What’s more, dusk has 25 years’ worth of trust and knowledge to draw on, so when they speak, they do so with a confidence and authority few other fragrance retailers have earned.

dusk launched its new brand voice with a cheeky Christmas campaign, loaded with complementary copy and visuals that reflect a new beginning for this Aussie retail icon.

dusk's playful and engaging copy that speaks directly to customers.

We can help with…

Brand voice

Copy that sounds like you

We’ll craft a brand voice that’s recognisably you, including messaging matrices and style guides to help you embed your brand voice in your business.

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Brand Voice Development Services Wonderthink Bring your brand’s personality to life through a distinct brand voice that’s uniquely yours.