Brand strategy

As brand storytellers, we understand brands in a way that no one else does. We unearth what makes your brand unique, marrying storytelling with strategy to help you build a memorable brand that empowers your business to grow powerfully, efficiently and sustainably.

Brand & Content Strategy Wonderthink Our brand and content strategy services include content strategy, SEO strategy, brand strategy, brand storytelling, AI implementation and more.


What we do

We’ll create the strategy for a powerful brand that stands apart and makes customers choose you.

Brand strategy for brands who think big

Strategic brand positioning

We clearly articulate the narrative that drives your brand and draws people to it – customers, staff, leaders. We identify the values that guide your actions and decision making, and create an inspiring vision everyone can rally around. We pinpoint your brand’s unique strengths and opportunities, positioning it to stand out and build brand love.

Visual brand identity

Based on your brand strategy, we can develop or refine your visual brand identity, including creating logos, colour schemes, typography, and more. We ensure your visual identity is cohesive, memorable, and aligns with your brand’s story.

Brand storytelling

Our brand storytelling services uncover the stories that define your brand, gathering insights about your heritage, values, and vision to create a cohesive and compelling narrative. Through our Storyfinder process, we uncover and activate the untold stories that set your brand apart, while embed storytelling in your business.

Content execution

Storytelling content is what brings your brand to life. From blog posts and thought leadership articles to email marketing and social media, we create content that contributes to your brand’s overarching narrative and drives your long-term vision.

Download our guide to crafting AI prompts for better storytelling.


5-step guide to crafting AI prompts

What you’ll learn…
  • What AI is and isn’t good for
  • Our 5-step formula for crafting AI prompts
  • Real-world examples to refine AI outputs
Get your copy today to learn how to integrate AI into your content creation while maintaining your brand’s unique voice.
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PR Daily Awards
Silver Winner for Thought Leadership Campaign at the Asia Pacific Stevie Awards.